Vermont licensed acupuncturists fulfill their NCCAOM Diplomate recertification online at HealthCMi. All acupuncture continuing education online courses are pre-approved by the NCCAOM. Purchase the online course, download the course materials and get a certificate of completion instantly. You keep the course content and you may print the e-book if you wish to make a paper copy. The ebook, in PDF format, is Apple and Windows compatible and is also searchable. The course material is also viewable on iPhones, iPads, and many smart phones. We offer online video and written courses that are affordable and worthwhile. Enjoy quality content for an important learning experience at HealthCMi.
At HealthCMi, we offer NCCAOM Diplomate online courses approved for general credit and special courses certified for the four hours of NCCAOM Safety and Ethics requirements.
General Information for Vermont acupuncturists
The Vermont Secretary of State, Office of Professional Regulation oversees regulation of acupuncture continuing education in Vermont. Vermont’s administrative rules state the following:
All licensed acupuncturists must complete 30 continuing education units (acupuncture CEUs) in the two years immediately preceding the license renewal period. Distance learning programs are allowed for acupuncture continuing education. This includes acupuncture continuing education online. All courses accepted by the NCCAOM are pre-approved for Vermont acupuncture continuing education credit. All HealthCMi acupuncture courses meet Vermont requirements for acupuncture ceu (continuing education unit) credit for license renewal.