Acupuncture Continuing Education

Sample Acupuncture For COVID-19

Acupuncture for COVID-19 and Long COVID

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SARS Cov mgr

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Wen Yi & Li Qi

In traditional Chinese medicine, COVID-19 is a wen yi (瘟疫) illness because it is an epidemic illness, one that is highly contagious and spreads quickly. Wen yi is often translated as pestilence, plague, or epidemic.

SARS-CoV-2 is the li qi (疠气), which is the specific pathogen that causes COVID-19. According to TCM principles, highly contagious wen yi requires treatment, isolation, and preventative measures to prevent spreading throughout the populace.

COVID-19 is transmissible by people with asymptomatic and symptomatic presentations. The incubation period ranges from 1–15 days, but is usually…

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Epidemic Damp-Toxin

Differential diagnostics vary among patients, populations, and throughout the duration of the disease. Overall, COVID-19 is categorized as an epidemic damp-toxin, with some translations using the term damp-toxin pestilence. Damp pathogens are yin pathogens characterized by insidious onset that lingers combined with…

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healthcmi loingcovidsc2


Since COVID-19 is a damp-toxin, which has the quality of lingering and resisting recuperation, long-term COVID (Long COVID) may persist. Many cases have been reported with long-term fatigue and loss of taste and olfactory function…

More in course materials including signs, symptoms, and acupuncture points with locations and functions for prevention, treatment of active cases, and long-term recuperation…

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Clear Toxin Treatment

Renowned Chinese medicine physician Prof. Shui Wae, L.Ac. used GV14 combined with GV13 and GV12 for the treatment and prevention of external pernicious influences, including bacterial infections, viral infections, and other exteriorly contracted illnesses. GV14, GV13, and GV12 combined with…

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HealthCMi ZhiChuan extrasc2 point2

Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital Research

Research supports acupuncture for the treatment of COVID-19. Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital researchers integrated acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of severe COVID-19. A total of… (more in course materials…)

Zhichuan is located on the medial aspect of the forearm on a line connecting PC3 (Quze) and PC7 (Daling). Zhichuan is located at the upper third of this line, between the wrist crease and the transverse cubital crease. Indications for use of Zhichuan are myocardial disease, rapid heart rate, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and congestive heart failure.

Zhichuan is an extra point located along the pericardium channel, thus its relevance to the heart and pericardium. Its use for COVID-19 patients is based on the stages of disease progression. Initially, external pathogenic diseases often affect the lungs and the taiyang channels. Eventually, diseases may progress to the jueyin level (liver, pericardium). Acupoint Zhichuan helps to prevent the progression of the illness to critical stages and to prevent the invasion of fire-poison…

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Loss Of Olfaction

healthcmi smell olfaction19

A controlled clinical trial published in the Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery finds acupuncture effective for restoring olfaction in patients with dysosmia (sense of smell dysfunction) due to viral infections.  Notably, the patients that…

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19 ear acupointssi19

Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Hearing loss and tinnitus are adverse effects correlated with COVID-19 for both acute cases and Long COVID. Three principle acupoints used to alleviate hearing loss and tinnitus are TB21 (Ermen), SI19 (Tinggong), and…

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Long COVID Exhaustion & Fatigue

Two major factors in long-term COVID-19 related depleted energy levels are lingering pathogenic factors and qi & blood deficiency. Lingering pathogenic factors may be viewed biomedically as insufficient clearing of the virus or secondary infections. Lingering pathogenic factors may also be viewed in terms of the six evils (wind, cold, damp, heat, summer heat, dry) and other Chinese medicine diagnostics. The goal is to clear the lingering pathogenic factors (pernicious influences) to restore vitality. The clear toxin treatment…

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Acupuncture For Long COVID Research 

ling gu da bai tung points

Acupuncture is effective in alleviating symptoms of Long COVID. Chronic COVID-19 (Long COVID) involves diverse conditions caused by acute COVID-19 that begin weeks, months, or years after the acute phase.

Tung’s Acupoints
Linggu (灵骨, Spirit Bone, 22.05) and Dabai (大白, Great White, 22.04) acupoints belong to Master Tung’s Dao Ma technique of unique acupuncture points. Linggu acupoint is located on the …

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Brain Fog

Brain fog is a common persistent symptom after COVID-19. Researchers note that it is a syndrome characterized by…

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