Acupuncture Continuing Education

Acupuncture Continuing Education Online


Insomnia Relief With Acupuncture 6-9-2024

4 CEUs, 6-9-24


Acupuncture Inflammation Relief 1-28-2024

4 CEUs, 1-28-24


Acupuncture For Anxiety, High Blood Pressure, & Fibromyalgia 8-4-24

4 CEUs, 8-4-24


Acupuncture for COVID-19 and Long COVID

12 CEUs


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease & PTSD Acupuncture & Herbs 7-28-24

4 CEUs, 7-28-24


Acupuncture Points For Emotional Release And Headache Relief 7-21-24

4 CEUs, 7-21-24


Back Pain & Carpal Tunnel Relief Acupuncture 5-19-24

4 CEUs, 5-19-24


Acupuncture For Knees, Hips, and Post-Stroke 5-5-24

4 CEUs, 5-5-24


Acupuncture For Depression And Neck Pain 4-28-24

4 CEUs, 4-28-24


Acupuncture For Inflammation & Uterine Adhesions 4-21-24

4 CEUs, 4-21-24


1–28 Governing Vessel Acupuncture

Based on ancient Taoist Dragon Sect teachings, Prof. Richard Liao, L.Ac. explores the original meanings and dynamics of acupuncture points.
Value: 20 CEUs, 20 NCCAOM PDAs, 20 CAEs, 20 CEs, 20 CPDs


CPR #4

Review life-saving CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and first-aid responses to animal bites and stings, opioid overdoses, and severe bleeding.
Value: 4 CEUs, CAEs, CEs, CPDs + 4 NCCAOM CPR PDAs


Conception Vessel Acupoints

Based on ancient Taoist Dragon Sect teachings, Prof. Richard Liao, L.Ac. explores the original meanings and dynamics of acupuncture points.
Value: 20 CEUs, 20 NCCAOM PDAs (includes Safety & Ethics), 20 CAEs, 20 CEs, 20 CPDs


Dietetics Soups

Enjoy this Chinese medicine cooking show! The video portion of this courses features how to make two tasty soups. One soup is for tonifying and the other is for clearing heat and toxins. The latter is appropriate for patients with COVID-19, influenza, tonsillitis, and other external pathogenic influences. Written materials support the video and include special sections on phytoestrogens and green, black, and brown tea.
Value: 11 CEUs, 11 NCCAOM PDAs, 11 CAEs, 11 CEs, 11 CPDs


Herbs: Purity & Potency

Learn about the purity, potency, and environmental sustainability of Chinese herbal medicine. This course features a video on herbal medicine purity and potency plus supportive written materials.
Value: 5 CEUs, 5 NCCAOM PDAs, 5 CAEs, 5 CEs, 5 CPDs


Ethics In Acupuncture #5

Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture license credit.

This online ethics course reviews codes of ethics and standards of ethics defined by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism.
Value: 2 CEUs, 2 NCCAOM Ethics PDAs, 2 CAEs, 2 CPDs


1 – 20 True Meaning of Large Intestine Acupoints

Based on ancient Taoist Dragon Sect teachings, Prof. Richard Liao, L.Ac. explores the original meanings and dynamics of acupuncture points.
Value: 20 CEUs, 20 NCCAOM PDAs (includes Safety & Ethics), 20 CAEs, 20 CEs, 20 CPDs



Learn Pang family herbal medicine and acupuncture secrets for supporting patients with cancer. Acupuncture and herbs are presented for the treatment of emotional trauma, pain, fatigue, nausea, and other symptoms associated with cancer, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Download the course, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion to fulfill your acupuncture continuing education online.
Value: 17 CEUs, 17 NCCAOM PDAs, 17 CAEs, 17 CEs, 17 CPDs


1-11 True Meaning of Lung Acupoints

Based on ancient Taoist Dragon Sect teachings, Prof. Richard Liao, L.Ac. explores the original meanings and dynamics of acupuncture points.
Value: 15 CEUs, 15 NCCAOM PDAs, 15 CAEs, 15 CEs, 15 CPDs


CPR #3

Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture license credit.

Learn CPR is this online course. Review first aid and life-saving cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Value: 3 CEUs, CAEs, CEs, CPDs + 4 NCCAOM CPR PDAs


Heart Disease

Learn Pang family herbal medicine and acupuncture secrets for the treatment of heart disease including congestive heart failure, bradycardia, tachycardia, coronary heart disease, and arrhythmias. Download the course, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion to fulfill your acupuncture continuing education online.
Value: 17 CEUs, 17 NCCAOM PDAs, 17 CAEs, 17 CEs, 17 CPDs


Master Tung Acupuncture #1

Explore Master Tung acupuncture points for the treatment of gynecological disorders. Download the course, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion to fulfill your acupuncture continuing education online.
Value: 6 CEUs, 6 NCCAOM PDAs, 6 CAEs, 6 CEs, 6 CPDs


Kidney Stones, Enuresis, and Kidney Disease

Explore treatment options for kidney stones, nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting and nighttime urinary incontinence), and chronic kidney disease. Download the course, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion to fulfill your acupuncture continuing education online.
Value: 9 CEUs, 9 NCCAOM PDAs, 9 CAEs, 9 CEs, 9 CPDs


Ethics In Acupuncture #4

Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture license credit.

Reviews codes of ethics, patient confidentiality law, sign-in sheet restrictions, disposal of health records requirements, and scope of practice regulations.
Value: 2 CEUs, 2 NCCAOM Ethics PDAs, 2 CAEs, 2 CPDs


Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis

Explore acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments for influenza, asthma, and bronchitis. Download the course, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion to fulfill your acupuncture continuing education online.
Value: 17 CEUs, 17 NCCAOM PDAs, 17 CAEs, 17 CEs, 17 CPDs


CPR #2

Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture license credit.

Learn CPR is this online course. Review first aid and life-saving cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Value: 3 CEUs, CAEs, CEs, CPDs + 4 NCCAOM CPR PDAs


Safety in Herb-Drug Combinations #4

Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture license credit.

This course features herb-drug interactions concerning medications that stop diarrhea, anti-estrogenic drugs, beta blockers, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, and sleep medications.
Value: 2 CEUs, 2 NCCAOM Safety PDAs, 2 CAEs, 2 CEs


Acupuncture For Knee Pain

Explore acupuncture treatments for knee disorders including tendon and ligament strains, arthritis, and more. Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture continuing education license credit.
Value: 18 CEUs, 18 NCCAOM PDAs, 18 CAEs, 18 CPDs, 18 CEs


Acupuncture for Hypertension and Arrhythmias

Explore acupuncture point prescriptions for the treatment of hypertension and arrhythmias. Download the course, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion to fulfill your acupuncture continuing education online.

Value: 6 CEUs, 6 NCCAOM PDAs, 6 CAEs, 6 CEs, 6 CPDs


Low Back Pain

Explore acupuncture treatments for lower back pain, including modern research and classical acupuncture point prescriptions. Download the course, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion to fulfill your acupuncture continuing education online.
Value: 18 CEUs, 18 NCCAOM PDAs, 18 CAEs, 18 CEs, 18 CPDs