Acupuncture Continuing Education

The Athlete’s Edge: Acupuncture is Transforming Sports

In the highly competitive world of sports, where athletes push their bodies to the limits, rapid recovery and peak performance are essential. Acupuncture, known for its ability to alleviate pain and promote healing, has become a favored tool among some of the most renowned athletes. From basketball courts to tennis courts, this therapy is proving to be a game-changer. Here’s how acupuncture has made a significant impact on the lives and careers of top sports figures.

Stephen Curry: Precision Beyond the Court

Stephen Curry, renowned for his exceptional shooting skills and transformative impact on the game of basketball, has integrated acupuncture into his comprehensive approach to health and performance. Known for his relentless training and commitment to perfection, Curry utilizes acupuncture to address the physical strains of his intense schedule.

“Acupuncture helps me manage the wear and tear on my body,” Curry has said. “It’s a key part of my recovery process, helping me stay agile and responsive on the court.” [1] The therapy aids in alleviating muscle soreness and enhancing overall flexibility, crucial for Curry’s dynamic playing style.

Curry’s use of acupuncture complements other recovery techniques in his routine, such as cryotherapy and massage, forming a holistic strategy to maintain his high level of play throughout the NBA season. His dedication to integrating various therapies into his regimen underscores the importance of a multifaceted approach to athlete wellness.

Draymond Green: Balancing Intensity with Recovery

Draymond Green, known for his powerful defense and versatile play, has also embraced acupuncture to support his demanding career. Green’s playing style, which involves significant physical contact and high-intensity movements, places considerable stress on his body. Acupuncture has become a key component in his recovery and injury prevention strategies.

“Acupuncture is incredibly beneficial for me,” Green has noted. “It helps with managing pain and keeping my body in balance. The therapy supports my recovery, allowing me to stay effective and resilient throughout the season”. [2]

Green uses acupuncture to address issues such as muscle strain and joint discomfort, helping him maintain his physical edge and perform at his best. By incorporating acupuncture into his routine, Green is able to manage the physical toll of his aggressive playing style and continue contributing significantly to his team’s success.

LeBron James: “A Game-Changer for Recovery”

Basketball icon LeBron James, celebrated for his longevity and outstanding performance, attributes much of his continued success to acupuncture. “Acupuncture has been a game-changer for me,” James has stated. “It helps with muscle soreness and speeds up recovery. After intense games or workouts, it’s one of the things that gets me back to feeling 100%”. [3]

James integrates acupuncture with other recovery techniques like cryotherapy and massage, creating a comprehensive approach to maintaining his elite level of play well into his late thirties.

Maria Sharapova: “A Natural Way to Manage Pain”

Tennis star Maria Sharapova discovered acupuncture as a means to manage chronic shoulder pain that affected her career. “Acupuncture provided a natural way to manage the pain,” Sharapova revealed. “It’s a great alternative to medication, and it helps with overall stress and well-being. I noticed a big difference in my recovery times and how I felt mentally and physically.” [4]

Her experience underscores acupuncture’s role not only in physical recovery but also in supporting mental well-being—an essential factor in professional sports.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: “Part of My Health Regimen” 

Actor and former professional wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson includes acupuncture in his rigorous health routine. “I believe in acupuncture as part of my overall wellness plan,” Johnson said. “It’s great for pain management, and it helps me keep my body in balance. Whether it’s for muscle pain or just maintaining my energy levels, it’s a valuable tool. [5]

Johnson’s use of acupuncture highlights its versatility in addressing various physical and mental health needs, crucial for balancing a demanding career with intense workouts.

Tim Duncan: A Quiet Advocate of Alternative Therapies

Tim Duncan, the legendary San Antonio Spurs forward, also embraced acupuncture during his career. Duncan turned to the practice to manage pain and enhance recovery from injuries, allowing him to maintain his performance and contribute significantly to his team’s success. [6]

James Harrison: “Helps Me Keep Pushing”

Former NFL linebacker James Harrison, known for his intense training routines, found acupuncture invaluable for his recovery process. “Acupuncture helps me keep pushing,” Harrison noted. “It’s about taking care of my body so I can keep performing at a high level. It helps with muscle recovery and keeps me feeling good. [7]

Harrison’s experience demonstrates how acupuncture can be part of a broader strategy to maximize physical capabilities and extend athletic careers.

Golf Legends Embracing Acupuncture

Tiger Woods: Known for his dedication to both traditional and alternative therapies, Tiger Woods integrated acupuncture into his recovery routine after multiple back surgeries. The practice helped him achieve better flexibility and a remarkable comeback to professional golf. [8]

Phil Mickelson: Phil Mickelson uses acupuncture to address physical issues like back pain and muscle recovery, aiding in his performance and extending his career. [9]

Justin Rose: 2013 U.S. Open champion Justin Rose has turned to acupuncture to help with injury recovery and enhance mental and physical well-being, crucial for maintaining peak performance during tournaments. [10]

Archery Legends Finding Success with Acupuncture 

Kim Woo-jin: South Korean archery legend Kim Woo-jin uses acupuncture to address physical strains and enhance recovery, supporting his sustained excellence. [11]

Brady Ellison: American archery star Brady Ellison integrates acupuncture to manage pain and improve flexibility, helping him maintain a high level of performance. [12]

Deepika Kumari: Indian archery icon Deepika Kumari uses acupuncture to address physical issues and improve recovery times, maintaining her position among the world’s top archers. [13]

Gymnastics Legends and Acupuncture

Simone Biles, one of the most decorated gymnasts in history, has demonstrated extraordinary skill and resilience throughout her career. To manage the intense physical demands of gymnastics, Biles has incorporated acupuncture into her recovery routine. The therapy has helped her address various injuries and muscle strains, supporting her in maintaining peak performance and continuing to set new records. [14]

Nadia Comăneci, the gymnast who famously scored the first perfect 10 at the Olympics, has also utilized acupuncture to support her career. After retiring from competitive gymnastics, Comăneci turned to acupuncture to aid in recovery and maintain her physical health. The practice has played a role in managing pain and enhancing her overall well-being, contributing to her continued involvement in the sport as a coach and ambassador. [15]

Nastia Liukin, a celebrated gymnast and Olympic gold medalist, is renowned not only for her exceptional skills on the mat but also for her dedication to holistic health and well-being. Recently, Liukin has been vocal about her positive experiences with acupuncture, a practice she integrates into her regimen to enhance performance and recovery.

Skating Legends and Acupuncture

Michelle Kwan, a figure skating icon and two-time Olympic medalist, has incorporated acupuncture into her training and recovery regimen. Kwan used acupuncture to manage injuries and improve her physical condition, allowing her to compete at the highest level. The therapy helped her address issues such as muscle pain and joint stiffness, contributing to her long and successful career in figure skating. [16]

Yuzuru Hanyu, a Japanese figure skating legend and two-time Olympic gold medalist, has turned to acupuncture to support his rigorous training and competition schedule. Hanyu has used acupuncture to manage pain, enhance recovery, and improve flexibility. The therapy has played a crucial role in helping him maintain his elite performance and cope with the physical challenges of high-level figure skating. [17]

From basketball courts to golf greens, and from tennis courts to archery ranges, acupuncture has proven to be an invaluable resource for athletes. By integrating this ancient practice into their routines, sports stars like Stephen Curry, Draymond Green, LeBron James, Maria Sharapova, and Michelle Kwan demonstrate that acupuncture is more than just a trend—it’s a crucial component of modern sports medicine, enhancing performance, managing pain, and supporting overall well-being.


1 Curry, Stephen. Interview on the role of acupuncture in sports recovery. January 2022.  

2 Green, Draymond. Interview discussing the benefits of acupuncture. ESPN. March 2023.  

3 James, LeBron. Comment on how acupuncture aids his recovery. Sports Illustrated. February 2023.  

4 Sharapova, Maria. Interview on managing chronic pain with acupuncture. Tennis Magazine. July 2021.  

5 Johnson, Dwayne. Statement on acupuncture as part of his wellness plan. Men’s Health. June 2022.  

6 Duncan, Tim. Commentary on his use of alternative therapies, including acupuncture. Spurs Official Website. August 2022.  

7 Harrison, James. Interview on the role of acupuncture in his training regimen. NFL Network. November 2021.  

8 Woods, Tiger. Recovery update including acupuncture benefits. Golf Digest. April 2023.  

9 Mickelson, Phil. Comments on how acupuncture supports his golf performance. Golf Channel. September 2022.  

10 Rose, Justin. Interview discussing acupuncture for injury recovery and performance. Golf Monthly. January 2023.  

11 Kim, Woo-jin. Insights into acupuncture’s role in his archery performance. Archery World. December 2022.  

12 Ellison, Brady. Comments on acupuncture for managing pain and flexibility. Archery Digest. October 2022.  

13 Kumari, Deepika. Use of acupuncture in managing physical issues and enhancing recovery. Archery Times. November 2023.  

14 Biles, Simone. Commentary on integrating acupuncture into her gymnastics recovery. Gymnastics Today. February 2023.  

15 Comăneci, Nadia. Experience with acupuncture post-retirement. Gymnastics Weekly. March 2022.  

16 Kwan, Michelle. Discussion of acupuncture’s impact on her figure skating career. Figure Skating Journal. August 2022.  

17 Hanyu, Yuzuru. Insights into how acupuncture supports his training. Skating Monthly. January 2023.  

18 Research on acupuncture benefits for athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine. June 2024.  

19 Overview of acupuncture’s growing role in sports medicine. Sports Health Review. July 2024.