Acupuncture Continuing Education

Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners

Provider #CAE 00014

Texas Acupuncture Education - CAEs Online

HealthCMi is an official Texas acupuncture continuing education provider (CAE Provider #00014). Download a course, take the online quiz, and receive a certificate of completion online INSTANTLY. All HealthCMi courses are approved for Texas acupuncturist CAEs for acupuncturist continuing education credit towards license renewal. This fulfills Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiner requirements towards CAE (CEU) credits. As an official Texas CAE Provider, all acupuncturist continuing education requirements can be fulfilled at HealthCMi. Note: 1 CAE = 1 hour = 1 CEU

The Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners notes the following:

New Requirements per Texas Administrative Code: Title 22, Part 9 (Texas Medical Board), Chapter 183 (acupuncture), Rule §183.20: continuing acupuncture education:

Texas acupuncturists renew with 34 hours of continuing acupuncture education (CAE/CEU) every 24 months. The 34 hours of acupuncture continuing education must include a minimum of hours in the followig categories:

  • At least 8 hours: general acupuncture therapies
  • At least 2 hours: ethics and safety
  • At least 6 hours: herbology
  • At least 4 hours: biomedicine

The very first acupuncturists in this new renewal system count CAE hours from December 1, 2018 – November 30, 2020.

Special Requirements Category Courses Listed Below

All courses are CAE approved. The following courses are approved for special CAE categories needed to fulfill acupuncture continuing education license renewal requirements: