Acupuncture Continuing Education

Chinese Medicine Dietetic Remedies

Chinese Medicine Dietetic Remedies

Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture license credit.

Learn dietetic recipes for ailments including headaches, excess body fat and obesity, respiratory disorders, digestive issues, urinary disorders, diabetes, skin conditions and cardiovascular disorders. Enjoy healing recipes, dietetics theory and information on a variety of leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seafood, and meats. This is the second course in our dietetics series following Chinese Medicine Dietetics #1. There are no prerequisites and it may be taken prior to taking Chinese Medicine Dietetics #1.

This course is approved for 15 California acupuncture CEUs (category 1), 15 NCCAOM acupuncture Diplomate PDAs (core), 15 Texas acupuncture CAEs (7 herbs, 4 biomed, 4 general), 15 general Florida CEs, 15 CAAA (Alberta) CEUs, 15 CTCMA (BC, Canada) acupuncture CEs, and 15 California Board of Registered Nursing contact hours.