Download the course, complete the online quiz and receive immediate acupuncture license credit.
Learn dietetics history, food preparations, theory and detailed information on many types of individual foods including: grains, tubers, oils, condiments, liquor, beans, tea, fungi and mushrooms, fruits, vegetables and herbs.
This anytime online course is approved for 15 California acupuncture CEUs (category 1), 15 NCCAOM national Diplomate recertification PDAs, 15 Florida acupuncture CEs (general), 15 Texas acupuncturist CAEs (2 biomedicine, 6 herbology, 2 ethics and safety, 5 general), 15 CAAA (Alberta) and 15 CTCMA (BC, Canada) acupuncture CEs. Also valid for 15 California Board of Registered Nursing contact hours.