Acupuncture Continuing Education

Acupuncture Continuing Education News

Florida and Fuzhou Discovery: Acupuncture Reduces Pain

Florida and Fuzhou researchers identify cells responsible for acupuncture’s analgesic effects. The researchers determined that acupuncture exerts a regulatory effect on microglial cells. The researchers determined that acupuncture reduces neuropathic pain by downregulation microglial activation. The research team consists of members from the University of South Florida (Dept. Neurosurgery & Brain Repair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences) and the Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Acupuncture Reverses Hip Pain and Necrosis

Acupuncture has been proven effective for the treatment of hip region degeneration due to avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). This is a condition wherein the upper parts of the thigh bone degenerate leading to hip, back, or groin pain. There may be difficulty walking, limping, and unevenness of the legs. ANFH results from inadequate blood circulation to the femur bone, which results

Read more: Florida and Fuzhou Discovery: Acupuncture Reduces Pain

Acupuncture Alleviates Bell’s Palsy Finding

Acupuncture plus electroacupuncture has been proven effective for the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis (PFP). This condition is also termed Bell’s palsy. In a recent study, researchers from Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Clinical Medical College of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Rehabilitation) conducted a clinical experiment. They compared warm needle acupuncture monotherapy with warm needle acupuncture plus electroacupuncture. The combined treatment protocol demonstrated superior

Read more: Florida and Fuzhou Discovery: Acupuncture Reduces Pain

Acupuncture Alleviates Diabetic Neuropathy Finding

Acupuncture demonstrates clinical efficacy in relieving symptoms for patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Researchers from Ruzhou Jiren Diabetes Hospital and First People’s Hospital of Ruzhou conducted a clinical study and analyzed the effects of two treatment protocols. The results show that the integral approach of combining warm needle acupuncture with vitamin B-12 supplements outperforms vitamin B-12 monotherapy. [1]

Read more: Florida and Fuzhou Discovery: Acupuncture Reduces Pain

Acupuncture Headache Relief Biomarkers Confirmed

Acupuncture is effective for regulating levels of inflammatory cytokines and relieving discomfort and pain in patients with cervicogenic headaches. Researchers from Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University and Shandong Shengli Oilfield Hospital conducted a clinical trial comparing the efficacy of electro -warm needle acupuncture and regular warm needle acupuncture. The electro -warm needle acupuncture treatment yielded superior patient outcomes. [1]

Read more: Florida and Fuzhou Discovery: Acupuncture Reduces Pain

Acupuncture Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Findings

Acupuncture is effective for treating incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). Researchers from Zhengzhou First People’s Hospital conducted a clinical trial comparing the efficacy of routine physical therapy with routine care plus acupuncture. The results show that the addition of acupuncture improves movement restoration for patients. Upon completion of the study, the total efficacy rate for the acupuncture plus physical therapy group was 86.36% while

Read more: Florida and Fuzhou Discovery: Acupuncture Reduces Pain