Case Histories #1
Excerpt of course material:
Guillain-Barre´ Syndrome
A 22 year old female was suffering from weakness and lack of strength in her four extremities. She is unable to stand, walk or hold objects. The symptoms started one week ago after a common cold. She had been given a western diagnosis of Guillian-Barré Syndrome and was placed on hormone and vitamin therapy with no effect. She was also experiencing dizziness, headache, five palms heat, excessive sweating during both day and night, a bitter taste in the mouth, lack of thirst, constipation with a bowel movement every 2 days, dark and scanty urination, and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Her tongue is purple with a greasy yellow coating and her pulse is slippery and rapid.
Kidney and Liver Yin deficiency, heat in the blood, damp heat in the Middle Jiao and Spleen Qi deficiency.
Lubricate Yin and eliminate heat in the blood, clear damp heat and promote blood circulation.
Si Miao San and Tao Hong Si Wu Tang modification:
Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri 12g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Actractylodis 9g
Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 15g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-jobi 30g
These are the herbs found in the formula Si Miao San. Si Miao San treats Wei Syndrome (atrophy disorder) due to damp heat in the lower jiao. Huang Bai clears damp heat and Kidney deficiency heat. Cang Zhu dries dampness in the Middle Jiao to lift Spleen Qi. Yi Yi Ren promotes urination to guide out the heat. Niu Xi strengthens sinews and bones and promotes blood flow. Yi Yi Ren mildly leaches out dampness.
Ze Xie Alismatis Rhizoma 12g
Han Fang Ji Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae 9g
Ze Xie and Fang Ji promote urination to drain excess. Ze Xie sedates Kidney fire. Fang Ji eliminates wind damp bi pain.
Ji Xue Teng Radix et Caulis Jixueteng 30g
Ji Xue Teng promotes blood circulation to clear wind damp bi pain and nourishes blood.
Zhi Mu Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 12g
Shi Hu Herba Dendrobii 15g
Sha Shen Radis Adenophorae seu Glehniae 15g
Zhi Mu, Shi Hu and (Bei) Sha Shen cool heat and nourish Yin. Zhi Mu cools Qi level and Kidney deficiency heat. Shi Hu clears Stomach heat. Sha Shen nourishes the Lung and Stomach to stop thirst and dry throat.
Tao Ren Semen Persicae 9g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 9g
Chi Shao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 12g
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 12g
Tao Ren and Hong Hua promote blood circulation and break congealed blood. Tao Ren moistens dryness and stays in the bloodstream longer. Hong Hua is faster moving and stronger at penetrating through stagnation.
Chi Shao and Mu Dan Pi cool heat in the blood and promote blood circulation. Chi Shao is stronger at promoting blood circulation. Mu Dan Pi is stronger at cooling heat.
Xi Yang Shen Radix Panacis Quincquefolii 12g
Xi Yang Shen strengthens Qi, lubricates Yin and clears heat.
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 3g
Gan Cao harmonizes the ingredients in the formula.
She took seven bags for seven days, had acupuncture treatments, and took Vitamin B1 and B12 daily. Her extremities were stronger as was her energy. Her temperature fluctuations and sweating decreased. She was asked to remain on the formula for another thirty days. When she returned, she reported that she was able to walk slowly and to walk up stairs unassisted. However, she is still experiencing night sweats, hot flashes and five palms heat. She has a bitter taste in her mouth and has a desire to drink but is only able to take small sips. Her tongue was red with less coating and her pulse was small and rapid.
Kidney and Liver Yin deficiency with deficiency heat and damp heat in the Middle Jiao.
Lubricate Kidney and Liver Yin and strengthen Spleen and Kidney Qi and Yang.
Hu Qian Wan and Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan modification
Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri 12g
Gui Ban Plastrum testudinis 30g
Zhi Mu Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 12g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Conquitae 30g
Zhu Ji Shui Pig spine 60g
Huang Bai and Zhi Mu sedate Kidney deficiency heat. Huang Bai is stronger at clearing heat. Zhi Mu moistens dryness. Gui Ban and Zhu Ji Shui nourish Kidney Yin and Jing. Gui Ban sedates Kidney deficiency heat and stabilizes the Liver and Kidney. Zhu Ji Shui is stronger at nourishing Kidney and Liver Jing and blood. Shu Di Huang also nourishes Kidney and Liver blood and Jing.
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 3g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 12g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranaceus 12g
Chen Pi and Bai Zhu are warm which helps dry the Spleen. Chen Pi regulates Qi. Bai Zhu is strong and stable which dries dampness in the Middle Jiao. Huang Qi lifts the Qi upwards and strengthens the Wei Qi to stop excessive sweating.
Bai Shao Radix Peoniae Lactiflorae 12g
Bai Shao harmonizes the Ying and Wei which reestablishes communication between the interior and exterior. This stability reestablishes order in the immune system and stops the body from attacking itself in the form of an autoimmune response.
Bai Ji Tian Radix Morindae Officinalis 9g
Rou Cong Rong Herba Cistanches Deserticolae 9g
Suo Yang Herba Cynomorii Songarici 12g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 12g
Bai Ji Tian, Rou Cong Rong, Suo Yang and Gan Jiang are warming and strengthen Kidney Yang. Bai Ji Tian expels wind damp bi pain. Rou Cong Rong and Suo Yang moisten dryness and move the bowels. Rou Cong Rong is stronger at moistening dryness. Suo Yang strongly warms the Kidney Yang. Gan Jiang warms the Spleen and Stomach.
Ji Xue Teng Radix et Caulis Jixueteng 30g
Ji Xue Teng promotes blood circulation, nourishes blood, and expels wind damp bi pain.
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 3g
Gan Cao harmonizes the ingredients of the formula.
She took twenty bags for twenty days. She reported that she was able to walk slowly for up to one hour without any discomfort and her Kidney Yin deficiency symptoms reduced by 90%.
This sample is from the acupuncture continuing education course. Learn more in the Acupuncture CEU course material….
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About Prof. Liao:
Professor Liao, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., has served as professor of herbology and acupuncture theory at the Academy of Chinese Culture & Health Sciences in Oakland, CA. Prof. Liao has also served as faculty at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, CA. His many years of teaching experience bring the highest quality of interesting and useful courses to HealthCMI continuing education online.
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