Nursing Continuing Education Online
California Nursing CEs
Simply download the course, take the online quiz, and receive a certificate instantly!
The Healthcare Medicine Institute (HealthCMI) is a licensed nursing continuing education provider through the State of California, Board of Registered Nursing for nursing CEs. The HealthCMI nursing continuing education provider number is CEP 15110 and is valid for all online nursing continuing education courses at HealthCMI. HealthCMI is dedicated to providing quality nursing continuing education materials for nurses in CA.
To obtain license renewal course credit, simply purchase a course a HealthCMI online and download it instantly. The course materials are straighforward educational materials that can be printed or viewed on any computer. Next, all you need to to is take the online quiz and certificate of completion is generated automatically. Please retain your certificate of completion for at least four years.
As a service to nurses in California, we provide the following contact information for questions you may want to ask the California Board of Regitstered Nursing:
Board of Registered Nursing
1625 North Market Blvd., suite N-217
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel. (916) 322-3350
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