Labor pain has been treated with Chinese Medicine for over a thousand years and now receives attention by modern researchers. A recent study (Smith C, Collins CT, Crowther C. Acupuncture and acupressure for pain management in labour: a systematic review. ‘Aust J Acupunct Chin Med’ 2007;2(1):25-32) concludes that “ Acupuncture may be beneficial for the management of pain during labour.” The focus of the study was to examine the effects of acupuncture and acupressure on labor pain and its relationship to maternal and perinatal morbidity. Women receiving acupressure noted less anxiety and labor pain in clinical trials. Women also showed significant benefits from acupuncture for pain management during labor. The women studied were in either spontaneous or induced labor of the first or second stage. The ‘Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine‘ published these findings in 2007.