The latest in acupuncture research for pain management, addiction recovery, and insomnia is featured in upcoming live webinars for acupuncture CEUs at HealthCMi. Visit the HealthCMi live webinar web page because it features complete information about upcoming events.
The January 20th webinar features acupuncture for the treatment of pain and addiction. A recent study demonstrating the power of a special acupuncture point for morphine addiction recovery will be presented. Licensed acupuncturists receive CEU and PDA credit for attending the live webinar.
The February 10th webinar continues the presentation of the latest research for pain management with acupuncture. A special focus is given to recent research on acupuncture for the treatment of lower back pain and disc degeneration. The March 10th webinar presents modern research for the treatment of pain plus important research demonstrating the effectiveness of acupuncture for the treatment of insomnia. More webinars will be posted; expect HealthCMi to present at least one live webinar per month.
The live webinars are designed for licensed acupuncturists to obtain continuing education credit, however, the general public is welcome. All live webinars feature a two-way interactive question and answer section. This makes the webinar widely accessible to everyone. All that is needed is a good internet connection. The webinar can run on an iPhone, Android, iPad, Mac and Windows PC.
Learn what you’ve been missing!
Enjoy first-ever live presentations of new acupuncture research.
The live webinar information is the very latest in research and may be printed for patients. The new research helps patients understand how acupuncture works from a scientific perspective. If patients have been missing this information, they often do not follow through with a complete course of acupuncture care. Acupuncturists will enjoy the new research because it focuses on optimal acupuncture points that have been proven effective with modern science. All are welcome.
Sign up now to reserve your spot.
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