Dental Continuing Education Courses Online
Programs and Seminars for Dental Professionals
The American Dental Association (ADA) has announced a three year commitment to a national public service campaign to highlight the dentist’s role in preventing oral cancer. It is estimated that only 50% of all patients diagnosed with oral cancer have a survival rate of over five years. Over 25% of oral cancer cases are in patients who do not smoke and it is most prevalent in patients over 40. Naturally, oral cancer is most prevalent in patients who use tobacco. In the US, approximately 34,000 patients are diagnosed with oral and pharyngeal cancer each year and the mortality rate is 8,000 annually. Worldwide, 400,000 new cases of oral cancer are detected each year. The death rate of oral cancer is significantly higher than cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, thyroid cancer, and skin cancer. The death rate of oral cancer is very high due to the late discovery of the ailment. Usually, it is detected only after it has metastasized.
The Healthcare Medicine Institute (HealthCMI) is dedicated to the prevention of oral cancer. In 2008, HealthCMI will present dental continuing education courses outlining the ways in which dental professionals can prevent and screen for oral cancer. New technological developments have made it possible for a dental professional to screen for oral cancer pathology in approximately five minutes with no discomfort to the patient. The procedure involves no mouth rinses and the procedure fits smoothly into the natural flow of dental office procedures. From a dental practice management perspective, the implementation of oral cancer screening into a dental practice is simple and cost effective. From a humanitarian perspective, oral cancer screening is an essential component to every dental practice. Dental health care professionals are the frontline in the prevention and detection of this deadly illness.
HealthCMI encourages dentists to fully embrace their role as primary healthcare physicians . As doctors, dentists are experts of the oral cavity. There is no other healthcare setting wherein the general public has more care for the oral cavity other than the dental office. Dentists and dental hygienists have the responsibility to care for the oral cavity including the detection and prevention of illness. New improvements in technology for the dental setting facilitate the process of oral cancer screening and make this process simple, fast, and life-saving.
Look forward to online dental continuing education courses from HealthCMI outlining the prevention and detection of oral cancer. HealthCMI will demonstrate the ease of implementation of the procedures necessary to make this component of a dental practice both practical and easy.