The Color Atlas of Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture is the definitive acupuncture zone and point location book for the Zhu system. Beautifully designed, its easy reference system enables acupuncturists to quickly locate exact acupuncture areas for the treatment of specific conditions. Written by Prof. Ming Qing Zhu, L.Ac. and Moyee Siu, L.Ac., this book features semi-transparent overlays, zone and point location helpers and easy reference tables for finding specific medical indications.
Acupuncture NeedlesIn many ways, this book is indispensable for anyone using the Zhu scalp acupuncture system. The pictorial layout of this holographic acupuncture system makes the Zhu scalp acupuncture system both accessible and memorable. This book enhances clinical precision and is both stimulating and engaging.
Perhaps one of the most important principles of the Zhu scalp acupuncture system is the application of Qi to the acupuncture zone. The Chouqi and Jingqi acupuncture needling methods, developed by Prof. Zhu, are central to achieving clinical successes. These techniques are reducing and reinforcing techniques specific for the regulation of Qi in the application of scalp acupuncture. Prof. Zhu continues to lecture and provide workshops in which he teaches these and other important acupuncture needling techniques.
Skillful application of the Chouqui and Jingqi techniques combined with the knowledge in The Color Atlas of Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture opens up significant clinical possibilities. At HealthCMi, we applaud the effort that went into creating a book that takes the complexity of scalp acupuncture and presents it with artistic simplicity. It is always a pleasure to have access to clear, precise, accurate and well organized medical information that translates into improved patient outcomes.