30 Liver Disorders and Hepatitis
Download the course, complete the online quiz, and receive immediate acupuncture license credit. This course is approved for 10 California CEU’s (category 1), 10 NCCAOM PDA points for national Diplomate credit, 10 Florida CEs (8 general, 2 Biomedical Science), 10 Texas CAEs and 10 CTCMA CEs &CAAA CEUs. Also valid for 10 California Board of Registered Nursing contact hours.
This course covers famous Qing dynasty physician Wang Xu-Gao’s discussion of 30 Liver disharmonies with an emphasis on herbal treatments. The second part of this course covers viral hepatitis. Western medicine pathophysiology and liver-profile lab tests are discussed in detail, followed by a Chinese medicine section which includes a unique discourse on pathogenesis, treatment strategies, and herbs. This is an in-depth and advanced knowledge course.