Acupuncture Event For Knee Pain And Fibromyalgia
HealthCMi is airing a live acupuncture CEU webinar for the treatment of knee pain and fibromyalgia. The online event is on Sunday, June 30th at 10 am Pacific Time. We explore acupuncture points that alleviate pain and improve range of motion. Special acupuncture points shown effective in modern MRI based research are presented showing how […]
Acupuncture Knee Arthritis Relief With Moxa Technique
Acupuncture has been proven to have significant beneficial effects in treating knee osteoarthritis in the elderly. Researchers from the Department of Orthopedics at Pucheng County Hospital conducted a controlled trial, analyzing the effectiveness of joint static traction exercise therapy and warm needle acupuncture. The study results shows that warm needle acupuncture markedly improves knee joint […]