Acupuncture Event on Back Pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
HealthCMi is airing a live acupuncture CEU webinar on the treatment of back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. This live webinar airs on Sunday, March 17th at 10 am Pacific Time. A look at specific acupuncture points confirmed by modern research compares the efficacy of different approaches to patient care. The event covers a type […]
Acupuncture Stomach Relief Method Tested
Researchers have tested and confirmed an effective acupuncture treatment for patients with functional dyspepsia (chronic upset stomach). Functional dyspepsia is characterized by a recurring upset stomach of unknown or unspecified cause. It is non-ulcerative; however, it mimics ulcerative stomach disorders. There is recurring upper abdominal pain or discomfort, often with bloating, nausea, or belching. There […]