Acupuncture Continuing Education


Case Histories #2

Course Excerpt

Case Histories with Prof. Richard Liao, L.Ac.


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Excerpt of Acupuncture CEU course material:

Breast nodule

A 20 year old female has a duck egg sized non-cancerous breast nodule. It is soft and painful, especially before menstruation. Her tongue is pale red with a white coating and her pulse is small and wiry.

Qi and Phlegm stagnation.

Regulate Qi and dissolve Phlegm.

Xiao Lou Wan modification

Xuan Shen       Radix scrophulariae Ningpoensis    12g
Mu Li           Concha Ostrae                      15g
Chuan Bei Mu    Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae       9g
Xia Ku Cao      Spica Prunellae vulgaris            9g

All the herbs in this group dissolve phlegm nodules. Xuan Shen cools heat and moistens dryness. Mu Li stabilizes Liver Yang. Chuan Bei Mu dissolves hot phlegm and moistens the throat and Lung. Xiao Ku Cao clears heat and treats external wind heat.

Chai Hu         Radix Bupleuri                      3g
Bai Shao        Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum        9g
Qing Pi         Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum        6g

The herbs in this category regulate Liver Qi. Chai Hu opens Liver Qi. Bai Shao stabilizes Liver Qi. Qing Pi breaks Qi stagnation and stops pain.

Dang Gui         Radix Angelicae Sinensis            9g
Chuan Xiong      Radix Ligustici Chuanxiong          5g

Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong promote blood circulation. Dang Gui nourishes blood and is maintained in the bloodstream longer. Chuan Xiong moves the Qi of blood and tends to work on the surface meaning that it acts quickly.

Chuan Shan Jia  Squamo Manitis Pentadactlyae        6g
Quan Xie        Buthus Martensi                   4.5g (toxic)

Chuan Shan Jia penetrates through blood and phlegm stagnation. Qian Xie clears toxins and expels wind phlegm stagnation.

She took six bags for six days and her nodule shrank to the size of an egg. Her pulse remained small and rapid. 9g of Zi Cao Ci and 9g of Huan Yao Zi (Dioscorea Bulbifera Tuber) were added to the above formula. She took a total of 36 bags after which her nodule completely dissolved.

This sample is from the acupuncture continuing education course. Learn more in the Acupuncture CEU course material….



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